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Crafting a Hypnosis Script for Smoking Cessation: A Step-by-Step Guide


Hypnosis is a powerful tool used to help individuals change unwanted behaviors, such as smoking. A well-crafted hypnosis script can guide the individual into a deep state of relaxation and suggest positive changes to the subconscious mind. This guide will provide an outline for creating a hypnosis script, along with an example script specifically for smoking cessation.

Outline for Creating a Hypnosis Script

  1. Understanding the Purpose
    • Identify the behavior you want to change (e.g., smoking cessation).
    • Understand the reasons behind the behavior and the desired outcome.
  2. Preparation
    • Create a comfortable environment for the hypnosis session.
    • Ensure the individual is in a relaxed state, free from distractions.
  3. Induction
    • Begin with relaxation techniques to guide the individual into a hypnotic state.
    • Use progressive muscle relaxation, deep breathing, or visualization to achieve deep relaxation.
  4. Deepening the Trance
    • Use deepening techniques to ensure the individual reaches a deeper state of hypnosis.
    • Techniques include counting down, visualizing descending a staircase, or imagining sinking into a comfortable place.
  5. Delivering Suggestions
    • Provide clear, positive suggestions related to the desired behavior change.
    • Use present tense and positive language to reinforce the suggestions.
  6. Reinforcement
    • Repeat the suggestions multiple times to reinforce the new behavior.
    • Use metaphors or imagery to strengthen the impact of the suggestions.
  7. Ego Strengthening
    • Include affirmations to boost self-esteem and confidence.
    • Reinforce the individual’s ability to achieve and maintain the desired change.
  8. Emerging from Hypnosis
    • Gently guide the individual out of the hypnotic state.
    • Count up from 1 to 5, suggesting increasing awareness and alertness.
  9. Post-Hypnotic Suggestions
    • Provide suggestions that will take effect after the session ends.
    • These could include triggers for relaxation or reminders of the positive changes.
  10. Follow-Up
    • Discuss the session and the individual’s experience.
    • Provide guidance for continued practice and reinforcement of the new behavior.

Example Script for Smoking Cessation

1. Induction

“Close your eyes and take a deep breath in… and slowly exhale. With each breath you take, allow yourself to relax more and more. Feel the tension in your body melting away. Focus on your breathing, and let each exhale carry away any stress or tension.”

“Now, imagine a wave of relaxation starting at the top of your head, flowing down through your forehead, your eyes, your cheeks, and your jaw. Let this wave continue down your neck, your shoulders, and your arms. Feel it relaxing your chest, your stomach, your hips, your legs, and all the way down to your feet. With each breath, you sink deeper and deeper into a state of complete relaxation.”

2. Deepening the Trance

“Imagine you are standing at the top of a beautiful staircase. With each step you take, you go deeper into relaxation. As I count down from 10 to 1, take one step down with each number. 10… feeling more relaxed… 9… deeper and deeper… 8… going down… 7… so calm… 6… more relaxed… 5… halfway there… 4… deeper still… 3… almost there… 2… so relaxed… 1… deeply, deeply relaxed.”

3. Delivering Suggestions

“Now, in this deep state of relaxation, imagine yourself in a place where you feel completely at peace and free from all worries. In this place, you have the power to make positive changes in your life. You have decided to become a non-smoker because you value your health and well-being.”

“From this moment forward, you find that you have no desire to smoke. The thought of smoking makes you feel indifferent. You are free from the need to smoke. Every day, you feel stronger and healthier. Your lungs are clear, and your body is healing. You enjoy breathing fresh, clean air.”

“Whenever you feel the urge to smoke, you take a deep breath and remind yourself of how good it feels to be free from smoking. You find new, healthy ways to relax and cope with stress. You are proud of yourself for making this positive change.”

4. Reinforcement

“Picture yourself living your life as a non-smoker. See yourself enjoying activities without the need for cigarettes. You feel more energetic, more alive, and more confident. Every day, in every way, you are becoming a healthier, happier person.”

5. Ego Strengthening

“You are strong and capable. You have the power to achieve your goals. You deserve to be healthy and happy. You are making positive changes in your life, and you feel proud of yourself for taking control.”

6. Emerging from Hypnosis

“In a moment, I will count from 1 to 5. As I count, you will gradually become more aware of your surroundings. When I reach 5, you will be fully awake, feeling refreshed and energized. 1… slowly beginning to wake… 2… feeling more alert… 3… becoming more aware of your surroundings… 4… almost there… 5… fully awake, feeling refreshed and positive.”

7. Post-Hypnotic Suggestions

“Remember, whenever you feel the urge to smoke, take a deep breath and remind yourself of your decision to be a non-smoker. You are free from smoking, and you feel great.”


Crafting a hypnosis script for smoking cessation involves guiding the individual into a deep state of relaxation and delivering positive suggestions to the subconscious mind. By following the outlined steps and using the example script provided, you can create an effective hypnosis session that helps individuals overcome their smoking habit and embrace a healthier lifestyle.